Meriwether & Tharp, LLC
6788799000 Meriwether & Tharp, LLC 1545 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 300 Varied
If you have divorce questions

Debroah Hammett


  • Louisiana State University

    Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2018

    Bachelor of Science in Psychology

  • University of Georgia

    Athens, Georgia 2023

    Paralegal Certificate


Debroah is a Jacksonville, Florida native with five years of legal experience, specializing in various areas of law, including bankruptcy, criminal defense, probate, and family law. Debroah's strong commitment to family law is rooted in her personal experiences as both a child and an adult. With a background in psychology, Debroah brings a unique perspective to the legal field, allowing her to understand and assist her clients on a deeper level.

In addition to Debroah's legal career, she has a distinguished military background. Debroah is a combat veteran with five years of service in the United States Army, where she served as a Military Police Officer. During Debroah's deployment to Afghanistan, she worked as a prison guard, handling challenging and high-stress situations. Debroah's dedication and leadership skills were recognized when she was inducted into the Audie Murphy Club during her station in Hawaii.

Outside of Debroah's professional life, she is a proud mother to three wonderful children, Ivylee (3), Ian (8), and Edwin (16). In her free time, Debroah enjoys a variety of activities, including solving crossword puzzles, meditation, hiking, spending quality time with her children, indulging in reality TV, and traveling to explore new places and cultures.

Debroah's legal expertise, combined with her military service, personal experiences, and dedication to family law, uniquely positions her to assist and support clients during their most challenging times. Debroah is detail-oriented, a careful listener, compassionate, and always eager to help those in difficult situations.